30 Days of Gratitude – Part 1

In case you missed my last post, this month I will be participating in the 30 Days of Gratitude from TextMyJournal. Feel free to join me! Writing daily about things that I am grateful for has already been a great reminder of my many blessings. Here is the schedule I am following:

#1 What smell are you grateful for today?
Today I am thankful for the Bourbon Maple scented candle that my husband is burning as I work on my blog this evening. Our whole house smells like fall – my favorite type of scents! There is no better way to unwind after a busy day of chasing around a toddler than with leftover Halloween candy and an amazing candle.

#2 What technology are you grateful for?
I am grateful for my Kitchen Aid Mixer. This afternoon I needed to shred chicken.  I used to hate shredding chicken.  A couple of years ago my sister told me that you can throw cooked chicken breasts into a mixer to shred it. Life-changing. I will never look back.

#3 What color are you grateful for?
I am grateful for the crisp white color of a very clean hat. I was cleaning out my closet recently and found an old hat that hasn’t been worn in a long time. It had certainly seen better days. Challenge accepted. I soaked it in OxiClean White Revive Stain Remover (affiliate link) overnight. I’ve become obsessed with OxiClean ever since a neighbor introduced me to it last month. I now use it all of the time.  After an overnight soak, it looked almost new again. I ran the hat through the wash and left it in the sun to remove the remaining discoloration. This is the end result:

#4 What food are you most grateful for?
Today I am grateful for leftover tacos. There is something about chicken tacos made in the crockpot that makes my mouth water. This is the great recipe that I use, and I have fallen in love with it. We eat a lot of chicken tacos in this house.

#5 What sound are you grateful for today?
The sound that I am most thankful for today is Mark saying “Amen” loudly after the Our Father at church today. For the 20 minutes before that he was squirming loudly and was unhappy about having to stay within the confines of the pew. I was growing very impatient with my feisty toddler. However, God always seems to teach me little lessons when I am most frustrated and remind me exactly how blessed I am. When it came time for everyone to pray the Our Father together, Mark’s attitude shifted entirely. He loves to help Mommy and Daddy say the Our Father and immediately lit up when we began praying.  He proudly said “Amen” after we finished. There is something about the innocent voice of a toddler saying “Amen” that seems to echo all the saints and angels singing in heaven.

And because it is a lazy, overcast, Sunday afternoon in our house, here is a cute picture of my little bookworm…

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