
I think about Isabelle a lot. Throughout the day, simple tasks naturally bring her to mind.  Lately that has been happening even more than usual. As we approach our moving date, my heart has been much heavier and more unsettled....

One Year Ago

It is truly hard to believe that today marks one year since I started my blogging journey. I can’t believe it has been that long since my first post, Isabelle’s Rainbows. I regularly get texts from friends with pictures of beautiful rainbows...

Days Like This

“This is your second, right?” Yes, second. “How old is your little girl?” She would have been one year old this summer. “What do you mean, would have been [one year old]?” Well, our daughter passed away. “What happened?” Remaining...


Throughout the last year, Matt and I have created several traditions to honor the memory of Isabelle. These traditions have been a source of comfort and are reminders that she will always be a part of our family. Among the...

I Hate July

I’ve been throwing around blog post ideas for the last week or so, but nothing seemed to quite fit. With Isabelle’s birthday approaching, it occurred to me why: I just really hate July. I have been dreading July for months....